So, so true and good. I know it’s different all over the world, but in a nation where there is plenty to the point of (massive) overflowing excess, the wealthy and powerful have exactly the system they want. It’s so frustrating. We have to come together in numbers, in teaching, in connecting, and in working together. Great, great post.

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Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Many systems aimed at positive change, like RJ, are put into schools without the adequate training, support, and funding to have them work effectively. This leaves everyone trying hard but set up to fail. Then, the fallback system, usually authoritarianism takes over, saying what we need is control and more control.

We need better preparation for these positive ideas to have a real chance at success.

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"Genuine commitment," well said. Sometimes, I think public policy makers use the spaghetti theory. "Throw it at the walls and see what sticks." It can be very maddening.

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