Neesha, this is a powerful bit of writing. And it is in such a alignment with thoughts and beliefs that I have on a regular basis as well. I think one of the real difficulties is that we each have different versions of the truth. Some may be informed by the State and some may be informed by resisting the State.

My son graduated from University of Massachusetts in Amherst a few weeks ago. And I'm very proud of him. And one of the things that I wasn't expecting was that at each graduation ceremony, and he was part of four of them, began with a statement recognizing the native peoples and the native lands that we were on and the history of them.

I was deeply moved by that. I've been recognizing the ceded lands and the indigenous peoples in a great deal of my work over the last few years, but I've never seen it on such a large public and overt scale.

And sadly the first thing that went through my head was how unlikely it would be to hear this kind of a statement or acknowledgement at most colleges in Florida or Texas for many other states given the kinds of laws and bills and edicts that have been presented ruled on and voted for over the last year.

That was also sad was to realize that it's so likely that this next generation of young people will be raised on an education that was even more devoid of facts than you or I experienced. Especially facts about indigenous people, people of color, and people who I likely to have missed some crucial information in their education and personal experiences.

It seems clear to me that not only do we need to keep fighting this good fight and working hard to push against what you've referred to as the State, we also have an obligation to make sure the real information is visible accessible and part of our daily conversation.

My other child my daughter is transgender. And while we are fortunate in that regard to be white, she's an activist and anarchist and works hard to keep the voice of Truth in front of other people. And as a dad I have to say that frightens me, because it doesn't always keep her safe.

This is all such a balancing act and I admire your words and the clarity of them. Keep it up...

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Thank you so much for your honesty, Mitch. I agree with you - we seem to be heading down a path of irreversible division. Actually, let me rephrase that: there seems to be a deliberate attempt to irreversibly divide us for control over resources.

I stand in unwavering solidarity with everyone protecting all that is vulnerable and sacred in our world 💜

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Neesha, I think that's an important stance to be committed to and to take.I applaud you. Here in the US we have a very active somewhat hidden political agenda especially on the right embedded in organizations with very deep pockets and individuals with very deep pockets who are orchestrating so much of what we're seeing in the political sphere. These more than 500 bills and pending legislation restricting lgbtq and trans rights is just a sample of what these organizations are doing. It's well documented but very well hidden and I don't think people are quite aware of the mechanism that's going on and has been going on from at least the Reagan administration to today.

For us to think that this kind of push is arbitrary is foolishness. There's a playbook and definitely an approach that has worked to make an enormous shift in the political and judicial arena in this country. I think we all need to be diligent and take a stance of more information is better than less, that transparency is better than obfuscation. And that we all are responsible for the most needy among Us. And we all have responsibility to take care of each other.

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Agreed. So so important to speak up - in no uncertain terms and with clarity. Now is the time to take sides.

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Professionally I am a mediator..my job and my personality is not to take sides, nor to insist that they are wrong and I am correct. Yet in reality they have tried to spout nonsense and disinformation and lies, and call it 'alternative facts'. Yet by giving them any forum, any platform to be heard is providing a false equivalency. Propaganda is propaganda, lies are lies, it is not merely a difference of opinions. We need to not cede an inch and not give them any air to spout their falsehoods. It just serves to give them credibility that they don't deserve.

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